Help-Portrait Bali Event Director Mario Juanito wrote about his team’s experience meeting and photographing children at the Maria Goretti Orphanage Palarsari:
“We joined forces with some of our colleagues in the wedding industry to share happiness and joy to the Maria Goretti Orphanage Palasari in Negara, Bali.
“For those who are familiar with Bali, Negara regency is 3.5 hours driving distance from where the majority of us live. Nonetheless, distance was conquered by our drive to support diversity and unity. In Palasari, there’s such a diverse community, yet they live harmoniously.
“If anyone said these children were lucky to have support from us, we would say we were even luckier. They taught us that happiness is worth sharing, and they have encouraged us to do even more moving forward.”
“Thank you, Maria Goretti Orphanage and thank you, kids! Let’s keep caring and sharing.”
– Mario Juanito, Event Director for Help-Portrait Bali